Melbourne Graduate School of Education Curriculum Policies Project

Publication List

Edited books

Yates, L., Collins, C. and O’Connor, K. (Eds) (2011) Australia’s Curriculum Dilemmas: state cultures and the big issues. Melbourne University Publishing, Melbourne.

Yates, L. and Grumet, M. (Eds) (2011) Curriculum in Today’s World: configuring knowledge, identities, work and politics, World Yearbook of Education 2011, Routledge, Abingdon, U.K.

Journal special issue co-edited Lyn Yates and Michael Young:

‘Globalisation, Knowledge and the Curriculum’.  European Journal of Education 45 (1), 2010

Journal articles

Collins, C. and Yates, L. (2009) Curriculum Policy in South Australia since the 1970s: the quest for commonality. Australian Journal of Education, 53(2), pp. 125-140.

Yates, L. (2009) From curriculum to pedagogy and back again: knowledge, the person and the changing world. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 17(1), pp. 17-28.

Yates, L. and Young, M. (2010) Globalisation and the curriculum. European Journal of Education, 45(1), pp. 5-12.

Yates, L. and Collins, C. (2010) The absence of knowledge in Australian curriculum reforms. European Journal of Education, 45(1), pp. 93-106.

O’Connor, K. and Yates, L. (2010) Classifying curriculum scholarship in Australia: a review of postgraduate theses 1975-2005. Australian Educational Researcher, 37(1), pp. 125-143.

Conference papers

Yates, L. (2011) Curriculum as a public policy enterprise: Australian state differences and the past forty years of curriculum reforms. [contribution to symposium on: Curriculum policy: cases of translation], BERA Annual Conference, London, September.

Yates, L. and Collins, C. (2008) The absence of knowledge in Australian curriculum reformulations. (Part of 6-country symposium on The Changing Forms of Knowledge in Contemporary Curriculum Reconfigurations) ECER Conference, Gothenburg, September.

Yates, L. and Collins, C. (2008) Australian curriculum 1975-2005: what has been happening to knowledge? [contribution to Australian Curriculum Inquiry as ‘Really Useful’ Educational Research: A Symposium], AARE Conference: QUT Brisbane, December.

Yates, L. (2007) From Curriculum to Pedagogy and Back Again: knowledge, the person and the changing world. Pedagogy, Culture and Society Seminar, University of Manchester, February.

Yates, L. and Green, B. (2007). Curriculum Inquiry in Australia. ACSA Conference, Melbourne, July.


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