Melbourne Graduate School of Education Senior Secondary Certificates Project

Project Team and Partners

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Professor Jack Keating

Jack Keating is the initiator and chief investigator of the project and takes overall responsibility for its management. He takes the leading role in the historical reviews and studies as well as the analysis of the policy actors and processes in Victoria. He has extensive experience and research into qualifications and senior secondary certification and in education and training policy.

Jack Keating is the Leader of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL). He has extensive experience in the post compulsory education and training sectors and has undertaken a number of studies in the area of post compulsory youth transition and qualifications. He was the main author of the Kirby Report into post compulsory education and training pathways in Victoria. He has undertaken research and consultancy work in post compulsory education and training for the Commonwealth and most state education and training authorities, and for a number of international agencies, including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the ILO, OECD and UNESCO. In 2001-2 he managed the OECD activity on qualifications and lifelong learning and he has continued to participate in this activity. He has extensive knowledge of the research relating to qualifications and youth transition in Australia and internationally.


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Professor John Polesel

Professor John Polesel is based in Education Policy and Leadership and has had extensive and broad experience in the collection and analysis of survey data, document-based research and analysis, and significant experience with post-compulsory education and training policy studies at the national and international level. He has won many research grants and consultancies from major education and training systems (state and federal) and other funding bodies in Australia.  John has managed a number of major tracking studies investigating the post-school destinations of early leavers and school completers and has been responsible for the design of Victorian and Queensland surveys. He has used these studies in his extensive publications relating to senior secondary certification. He is also co-ordinator of the professional development Masters programs offered in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. He was formerly a secondary school teacher and completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne in 1995.

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Associated Professor Leesa Wheelahan

Associate Professor Leesa Wheelahan is based at the LH Martin Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Management at the University of Melbourne. Leesa has published widely on lifelong learning, tertiary education policy, student equity, recognition of prior learning, credit-transfer and student articulation between the sectors of post-compulsory education and training, cross-sectoral relations between the VET and higher education sectors, and the role of theoretical knowledge in curriculum. She has taught in tertiary education for approximately 17 years, which includes time as a TAFE teacher in policy development, an academic developer at a dual-sector university and as a higher education teacher in adult and vocational education teacher preparation programs.


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Dr. Gavin Moodie, RMIT University

Dr Gavin Moodie is leading the historical analysis of certification in Queensland and will participate in the study of policy actors and processes in Queensland. As one of Australia's foremost analysts on post 16 education and training in Australia he has a rich array of publications in the areas of qualifications and education and training policy. His book From vocational to higher education: an international perspective is published by McGraw Hill.


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Glenn Savage

Glenn is a Research Fellow based in EPL and is supporting the historical research, working with the industry partners in locating source documents, and providing assistance in the analysis of contextual developments in qualifications, tertiary education and educational markets.

As a PhD candidate in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Glenn held the prestigious William & Kate Herschell Scholarship between 2008-2010, for his project titled 'Imagination, Government, Community: Making Education, Making Difference'. Glenn is interested in education policy and politics, marketisation, equality, public education and youth disadvantage. Glenn has recently had work published in the Journal of Education Policy and has co-edited a special issue of Critical Studies in Education. As well as this project, Glenn is currently working on another Australian Research Council (ARC) project called 'Vocational studies in school: does it matter if I'm a girl and if I'm poor?'. Prior to pursuing full-time research, Glenn worked as an English teacher in the Australian and UK education sectors.



Partner investigators

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) have been active innovators in senior secondary certification. Historically, these agencies have implemented multiple, different and successful senior secondary certificate innovations, however, they now face common sets of policy demands that are national rather than state-based. This project is located at the nexus of the historical and continued roles of the VCAA and the QSA in light of evolving national demands. It seeks to provide the agencies with data and analysis to allow them and the agencies in all states and territories to meet this challenge.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Queensland Studies Authority



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