Melbourne Graduate School of Education Senior Secondary Certificates Project

What's Happening

This section contains a list of past and upcoming events related to the project.

Past Events


VCAA Roundtable Discussion on Senior Secondary Certification in Victoria

In March 2011, the project team organised a roundtable discussion with past and present key Victorian education policy personnel and stakeholders.

Participants included:

John Firth
David Howes
Margaret McKenzie
Leesa Wheelahan
Lyn Yates
Glenn Savage
Kwong Lee Dow
Graham Marshall
Helen Praetz
Susan Pascoe
David McRae
Bill Hannan
Jack Keating


These participants were provided with a copy of a full and abridged version of an historical narrative of senior secondary certification in Victoria that had been prepared by the project team. The paper identified four over-arching historical phases, the last of which is still evolving: the University Award, 1856-1964; Massification and Diversification, 1965-1983; Developing Commonality: VCE and the Blackburn Era, 1983-1992; and Economising Certification, Personalising Pathways: 1992-present. These papers and phases formed the basis of the discussion at the roundtable discussion.

A detailed summary of the historical phases illuminated in the papers can be found in the Victorian section of the Historical contexts page on this website.


Senior Secondary Certification: What Might the Past Tell Us About The Future?

In June 2011, Jack Keating and Glenn Savage gave a presentation based on the extensive historical analysis conducted in the first year of the project to the Queensland Studies Authority at their ‘Shaping Future Directions Conference'. A copy of the slides from the presentation is available here.


Relative Equities in the Education Market: Flexible Imaginings, Contrasting Experiences

Similarly drawing on the historical analysis component as well as his PhD thesis, Glenn Savage presented at the British Educational Research Association Conference in September 2011.


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