Melbourne Graduate School of Education Curriculum Policies Project

Chronologies of Secondary School Curriculum Policy


1996 - 2005

The Department of Education and the Arts released a policy statement announcing the new Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (QCAR) Framework.

The Department of Education and the Arts released Smarter Learning: The Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework

Bound for Success, an education strategy, was developed to improve educational outcomes for students across the Torres Strait and Cape York.


The Framework for Gifted Education was released and sent to schools.

The Department of Education and the Arts released The New Basics Research Report.


Youth Participation in Education and Training Act, 2003 was passed, which legislated for a 'compulsory participation phase' during which young people aged 15 to 17 must be either employed or in education or training.

The New Basics trial concluded.


The Department of the Premier and Cabinet released the white paper Queensland the Smart State: Education and Training Reforms for the Future, outlining future policy directions for P-12 and vocational education and training.

The Queensland Studies Authority was established, replacing the Queensland School Curriculum Council, the Queensland Board of Senior Secondary School Studies and the Tertiary Entrance Procedures Authority.

The report of the committee chaired by John Pitman to review certification in senior secondary was released. The Senior Certificate: A New Deal (Pitman Report) formed the basis for the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).


The Department of Education released Years 1-10 Curriculum Framework for Education Queensland Schools to provide a structure for the whole school planning of curriculum and a better integration of curriculum, assessment and reporting.

The Department of Education launched the New Basics Project.


Education Queensland released State Education - 2010, providing the basis for the 2001 curriculum frameworks.

Literate Futures: Report of the Literacy Review of Queensland State Schools was released by Education Queensland.

Education Queensland released the policy framework, Building Success Together: The Framework for Students at Educational Risk (FSAER)


The New Basics trail commenced.


Education Queensland announced the Leading Schools Program, implementing school-based management.

The Queensland Curriculum Council and Queensland School Curriculum offices amalgamated to form the Queensland School Curriculum Council.

1986 - 1995

Queensland Curriculum Council and Queensland School Curriculum offices were founded.


The Committee appointed to review Queensland school curriculum released its report, Shaping the future: Review of the Queensland school curriculum (Wiltshire Report). The report recommended the development of new syllabuses to Year 10 based on the national statements and profiles.


The Student Education Profile (SEP) was introduced.


The Ministerial Curriculum Management Review submitted its report, Managing Curriculum Development in Queensland, to the Minister for Education.

The Department of Education published a draft document, Focus on the learner: Senior schooling curriculum framework.

The Ministerial Consultative Council on Curriculum released Broad framework principles to guide the development of curriculum.

The Department of Education published Focus on the Learner. Sample case studies.


The Queensland Tertiary Entrance Procedures Authority (TEPA) was established following recommendations of the Viviani Report

The report of the Review of Tertiary Entrance in Queensland was presented to the Minister for Education (Viviani Report).

The Department of Education released the P-10 Teaching Framework Dissemination Guide.

The Department of Education released a status report on The P-10 Curriculum Development Program.

The Department of Education released Focus on schools: The future organisation of educational services for students.


The Department of Education released the policy statement, The Corporate Vision for Senior Schooling in Queensland.

The Department of Education released the P-10 Teaching Framework for discussion.

Queensland Board of Senior Secondary School Studies was established with authority for Years 11 and 12.

A new education Act was enacted, Education Act 1989.


The Review of School Based Assessment (ROSBA) published more discussion papers.

The P-10 curriculum framework was developed and released for discussion.

The Working Party on Tertiary Entrance released the report, Tertiary Entrance in Queensland: A Review: Report of the Working Party on Tertiary Entrance, established by the Minister's Joint Advisory Committee on Post-Secondary School Studies at the request of the Queensland Minister for Education (Pitman Report). This report formed the basis of the 1990 Viviani Review.

The Research Services Branch of the Department of Education released the Evaluation report, Hervey Bay College.

The Department of Education launched Meeting the Challenge: Future Directions for Education in Queensland, setting directions and priorities for the next five years based on a corporate management style.


The Committee of Review released its final report, Education 2000: Issues and options for the future of education in Queensland.

A syllabus framework was developed for preschool to Year 10 (P-10).

1976 - 1985

The first of a series of ROSBA Discussion Papers was published.

The discussion paper, Education 2000: Issues and options for the future of Education in Queensland, was released by the Department of Education.

The Department of Education released a policy statement on the education of gifted children, Education of the Gifted in Queensland State Schools.


The implementation of ROBSA began and continued until 1986.


The final Report of the select committee on education in Queensland (Ahern Report) was released.


The 1978 Review of Teacher Education in Queensland (Bassett Report) was published.  

The Review of school-based assessment in Queensland secondary schools (Scott Report) was published. The report recommended that norm-based assessment be replaced with criteria-based assessment.

A parliamentary select committee was established, chaired by Mr M Ahern to investigate the State education system in Queensland.

The 1975 Context

The external examination for senior secondary school students was held for the last time.


The committee appointed to review teacher education in Queensland released its report, Teacher education in Queensland (Murphy Report).

The board of Secondary School Studies was established (with authority for Years 8 - 12) to implement recommendations made in the Radford Report.


Public examinations for Queensland secondary school students, the report of the committee appointed to review the system of public examinations for Queensland secondary school students and to make recommendations for the assessment of students' achievements (Radford Report) was published.

External examination for junior secondary school students were abolished.


The Report of the Committee Set Up to Consider and Make Recommendations to the Board of Senior Secondary School Studies Concerning the Introduction of a Leaving Certificate (Bassett Report) was released.

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